CBSE AFE. No. 1030154
Examination & Promotion
Fee Structure
Mandatory Disclosure
General Rules
Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and Conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from every pupil. Pupils must strictly confirm to the regulations laid dow in this regards.
The pupils are responsible to the School Authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of pupils makes them liable for disciplinary action.
The wearing of the school uniform is obligatory. Violation of this rule is a sufficient reason for the expulsion of a student from school. No student will be allowed in the school premises without the prescribed uniform.
Any kind of damage done is the school premises must be made good.
No book, newspaper or periodical can be brought to the school without the principal's permission.
No collection for any purpose, whatsoever, is to be made without the prior permission of the principal.
Parents to the members of the staff or other expression in their honour is not allowed except without the prior permission of the principal.
The date of birth of a student once entered will not be changed. The parent/guardian will have to sign an undertaking to this effect.
The name of the student who does not rejoin the school within three days after the commencement of a term shall be struck off the rolls unless leave has been previously applied for and sanction obtained from the head of the institution.
The rules does not prevent the principal from refusing admission to the new session for adequate reasons to a student who was on the rolls in the previous session.
Children must speak English in the school campus.
All pupils must posses a copy of the school calendar, which is to be brought on all working days.
Latecomers and absentees from school will not be admitted to the class without the principal's written permission.
Every student is expected to be in time daily for the assembly with the school calendar at the commencement of the meeting.
Students are liable to be sent home in the absence of a written explanation from their parents or guardians for being late.
No leave of absence is granted, expect on written application from parents, and that only for serious reasons. The school accepts no responsibility, if a child is obliged to return home during school calendar. Mere sending of an application is not sufficient; the sanction of leave must be obtained.
The pupils are not allowed to visit the staff Rooms.
Fines may be imposed by the principal fro irregularity, indiscipline or damage to the school property.
The pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during the recess.
The school authorities may exercise the right of not readmitting student who fail to return within 3 days after the vacations without prior sanction of leave.
Parents and guardians are therefore earnestly requested to co-operate with the school authorities by sending the children back to the school on the reopening date unless a written permission for extension of the leave has previously been obtained. Such permission however will only be granted, save, for very grace reasons.
In case of illness, a medical certificate must be produced within three days of absence of the students. The school accepts the medical certificates of doctors in the government service, not below the rank of chief physician or surgeon only. In case of doubt, the school may insist on the child being examined by the civil surgeon or the school doctor, If a student continues to be absent for a month, without the previous written permission of the principal, his/her name will be struck off their rolls, and in case of his/her rejoining, the readmission fee will be charged.
Irregular attendance, frequent failure to obtain good in conduct, habitual lack of interest and prolonged or intermittent illness, behavior detrimental to the discipline and the moral tone of the School, repeated failure in tests or examinations and Insubordination are sufficient reasons, single or together, to expel a student guilty of such laxity or misdemeanor, even without any notice of warning.
The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, books, articles of clothing etc. The students are expected to look after own belongings.
Articles found in the school are to be handed over to the Principal's Office.
Parents are strictly forbidden to interview their children or them teachers in the class, without the permission of the principal. The second Saturday of the month may be considered visitor's day when they can meet the teachers.
Students should not be taken away from the class by anybody without an application from the parent to guardian.
The principal may punish a student according to the manner of the offence, e.g. by the detention after school hours, or by expulsion from the institution, without assigning any reason.
The principal reserves the right to waive aside any of the rules, contained in this prospectus, without assigning any reason.
The interpretation of any rule in this prospectus rests solely and entirely with the governing body of this school. Them interpretation and decision is final.
For disobedience to the clear expressed orders of the principal, punishment laid down is dismissal without any previous warning. The same punishment is laid down for moral turpitude, writing on the walls and roads and defiance of the authorities.
The principal reserves the right to waive off any of the rules, contained in this prospectus without assigning any reason.
The interpretation of any rule in this prospectus rests solely and entirely with the Governing Body of this school. Them interpretation and decision is Final.